Please Join Us This Sunday, March 9, 2025!

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Please Join Us This Sunday, March 9, 2025!

March 6 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dear friends in Christ,

We begin Lent every year by reading the story of Jesus fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, followed by his temptation. This story is familiar and informs the Lenten tradition of giving something up. But it also gives us insights into Jesus’ feelings about empire and how he addressed the difficulty of resisting social systems that you are actively living in. Jesus’ experience is informative for Lent, but also for our lived situation today.

A special thank you to everyone who helped with our Ash Wednesday pancake dinner and worship service – especially Tere who did all the shopping and Cortez and Jenni who flipped a boatload of fluffy, delicious pancakes. You can see some pictures of the evening below.

We will look forward to seeing you there!

Many blessings,

Pastor Tracy


Opportunities for youth

We are applying for a grant that will allow us to give grocery gift cards to medical workers who have been on strike for more than five months as they negotiate for better patient care and working conditions. If the grant is awarded, as part of our support we will be purchasing non-perishable groceries for the workers. All youth are invited to help make the grocery list, shop for the groceries, and assemble the grocery boxes. If your youth is interested in helping, please text Pastor Tracy at 323-793-9059

Opportunities for service

Saturday, March 8 from 9 AM to 12 N we will be KNITTING CAPS FOR THE HOMELESS at our Knitting Ministry and potluck brunch. Bring your own craft projects and join us!

This Saturday, March 8 at 11 AM, Jenni Nichols will be meeting with anyone interested in going to WeHo Pride this year to begin the organizing process. Please pop into the Knitting Ministry at the church Fellowship Hall to participate. [2025 Congregational goal #10 of 12 – Participate in Pride 2025]

Sunday, March 9 after worship, we will be assembling sack lunches and organizing lunches and clothing resources.[2025 Congregational goal #2 of 12:  Make 1000 Sack Lunches]

Saturday, April 5 – Rummage Faire. Contact Jenni Nichols for more information. [2025 Congregational Goal #3 of 12 – Stewardship and Fundraising]

NOW: The United Church of Christ has been marshalling many resources in response to the recent unjust executive orders. You can click here to learn more about the national response to countering racism, advocating for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, resisting Project 2025, and actively fostering justice and peace. We are not alone, and people across the country are working together. [2025 Congregational goal #12 – Respond to Unjust Executive Orders]

Opportunities for spiritual growth

Saturday, March 8 at 1 PM – Join us on a Labyrinth Walk at Glendale Forest Cemetery as part of an event organized by the LA Labyrinth Society. We will carpool from the church parking lot at 12:15 PM or you can meet us there. Bring a bottle of water and snacks to share after the walk. Free Public Labyrinth Walk Tickets, Sat, Mar 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite]

Sunday, March 9 during Worship – Lenten Devotionals are available! Brief, thoughtful readings and prayers for you to enjoy every day during Lent. Suggested donation $6, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. See Tom Droney for more information.

Monday, March 10 at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall and via Zoom – Bible Study meets every Monday. This week we are beginning to study Samson from the book of Judges.

Wednesday, March 12 at 7 PM via Zoom – Prayer Group meets online every Wednesday

Opportunities for fellowship

Sunday, March 9 during worship – blessing of March birthdays, anniversaries, and sobriety dates.

March 29, 2025 at 1 PM – Rev. Rachael Pryor will be installed as our new Conference Minister at Montebello United Church of Christ. All are welcome to participate and celebrate. Click here for more info.

Sunday, March 30 at 3 PM – Service of Installation of Rev. Tracy Kariya followed by reception here at the church. [2025 Congregational Goal #6 of 12: Pastor Tracy Installation]



March 6
8:00 am - 5:00 pm